What does it mean to be in "Flow"?
When we are deeply immersed in something that has us so present, that our mind has no room for anything else. We lose sense of body, space and time, merging with Universal Intelligence. If we love this activity, whatever it may be, then we tap into the quantum flow state aka "bliss". Throughout my journey I have discovered how this way of Flow, is the path to true healing and happiness in life. It is part of my soul's mission to share this with you.
Infinite potential exists within this state.
Here, you may begin healing yourself from the inside out…
Part of my purpose here is to support you along this journey of Flowing deep within yourself. Providing the tools, information, and facilitation of behavior change that will lead to a more natural, healthier, happier lifestyle.
"It is essential that we follow our intuition and true calling in life so that we can heal and elevate ourselves and others."
Infinite potential exists within this state.
Here, you may begin healing yourself from the inside out…
Part of my purpose here is to support you along this journey of Flowing deep within yourself. Providing the tools, information, and facilitation of behavior change that will lead to a more natural, healthier, happier lifestyle.
"It is essential that we follow our intuition and true calling in life so that we can heal and elevate ourselves and others."
How Consistently Tapping into the Flow State can Transform your Existence
I am deeply fascinated and passionate about the life-enhancing magic behind the Flow state. Studies have proven that unlocking this state can provide access to heightened creativity, more productivity and so much more. Personally, I have experienced these profound effects from cultivating more Flow in my daily life. That's why I am so excited about sharing this with you!
What is Flow?
On a scientific level, Flow is shifting from the fast-moving beta wave (normal waking consciousness) to the much slower, between alpha and theta waves. Alpha is connected with day-dreaming mode, when we shift from thought to thought without much conscious effort . Theta only shows up just before we drift into sleep, that hypnogogic gap where ideas combine and come to life or, during REM. This state can be thought of as the quantum field of potential, offering access to an infinite realm of possibilities. In this state we also have the ability to shift between thoughts quickly, radically enhancing our creativity at a crucial level.
I am Pure Consciousness…
There’s much more than brainwaves that have an influence on this magical state. It’s also caused by the temporary deactivation of our prefrontal cortex. This is the part of our brain responsible for most of our higher cognitive function. After consistently accessing this state, I found myself asking, "Who am I?"...
I wondered why does our sense of self disappear in flow? Discovering, self being generated dominantly by the prefrontal, with large areas of this no longer active, that sense of ego disappears totally.
The Feel Good Stuff…
During Flow, our brain is flooded with massive quantities of pleasure-inducing, mood, and performance enhancing chemicals. This also has large impacts on our creativity levels. Serotonin and dopamine are just a couple out of the many "feel good" chemicals that are released during this process. From this, our focus is boosted, creating imaginative potentials by assisting us gather more information and expand our energetic field of receptivity.
Ultimately, cultivating our relationship with the Flow State allows for a deeper connection to our Almighty God, ourselves and others. When we strengthen this connection, every aspect of our reality begins to align and we start to embrace the ebb & flow of life..and from that, comes healing.